TPMS BYPASS - Tyre Pressure Sensor Bypass
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Do I Need TPMS Sensors?

by Apr 30, 2022TPMS Bypass

The tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) is an electronic system designed to monitor the air pressure inside a tire. The TPMS sensors are responsible for determining each tire’s pressure level and transmitting it to the tire pressure monitoring system.

The TPMS is primarily a safety device that helps you avoid tire-related issues that can put you in harm’s way. Remember, underinflated or overinflated tires can be dangerous because they make it difficult to handle or stop your car.

Aside from minimising your risk of getting into an accident, the TPMS helps keep your vehicle in good condition. In case you didn’t know, underinflated tires can cause damage to the car. Meanwhile, overheating can cause your tires to blow out more quickly.

Lastly, the TPMS helps you save money on gas mileage—if your tires are underinflated, you’ll use more gas than necessary.

What Are TPMS Sensors?

The most common way that TPMS works is by using an electronic sensor placed within each wheel. In some models, they are attached directly inside the wheel itself; in others, they’re located in the valve stem and read via radio waves emitted through your vehicle’s antennae system.

A third option exists as well: some vehicles feature only one or two sensors that measure tire pressure throughout all four tires at once – these systems can be activated by pressing a button located inside your vehicle or turning on your ignition key (this method requires very little power).

The TPMS sensors are small metal cylinders. Each sensor has a tiny radio transmitter inside it, which sends out a signal that your car’s receiver can pick up.

The sensors or transponders allow your car to determine if the tires are under or overinflated and alert you via a dashboard light or a message on your dash. They also let the computer know when there’s a leak in a tire so that it can alert you before things get out of control.

Clearly, the sensors are integral to your tire pressure monitoring system. Without them, your TPMS won’t be able to alert you of issues relating to your tires’ air pressure level. So, if you want to be informed if your tires are underinflated or overinflated without manually checking them, then having TPMS sensors is a must.

How Long Do TPMS Sensors Last?

TPMS sensors last for about 5 to 7 years. However, depending on various factors like their make and model, they may have to be replaced much sooner than that.

The best way to find out how long your TPMS sensors will last is to check your owner’s manual. Your vehicle’s manufacturer will have a recommended replacement schedule for the TPMS sensors in your car.

The lifespan of a TPMS sensor depends on several factors, including:

  • What kind of sensor it is (some types last longer than others)
  • How well you care for your tires and wheels (regularly cleaning them extend their life)
  • How often you drive your vehicle (the more miles/time on the road, the more stress on the sensors)
  • Whether or not you run over curbs or other hard objects that could damage them (this can shorten their lifespan)

While the sensors are manufactured with durability in mind, they can still get damaged. So, it is vital to have them checked if your TPMS is malfunctioning. For example, if the warning light turns on even if your tire’s pressure level is okay, this may indicate problems with your sensors – e.g. battery is failing or the sensor is damaged.

Keep in mind that your TPMS will give false warnings if your sensor is not working. Similarly, if you choose not to replace your sensors once they reach the end of their service life, you can expect your TPMS to malfunction – i.e., the warning light turns on even if your tires are not underinflated or overinflated.

What can you do if you no longer want to use your TPMS? Can you disable it by removing or not replacing your sensors? You can choose to remove your sensors or not replace them when they reach the end of their service life. However, as mentioned earlier, this will not turn off your TPMS. Instead, this keeps the TPMS warning light on, which can be annoying and even distracting.

If you want to “switch off” your TPMS, do it the right way by using a bypass emulator. With this option, you can disable your TPMS without worrying about the warning light staying on. So, there’s no need to put a black tape on the TPMS icon on your dashboard.

Do you no longer want to spend on TPMS sensors? Want to disable your tire pressure monitoring system? Check out our TPMS bypass emulator! Visit our website to view our cutting edge products or click here to leave a message!

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