Seat Occupancy Mat Emulator
from simulation to installation
Instead of putting the issues with your car
behind you, a seat mat emulator can help you moveforward with peace of mind. As a unique way to maintain
safety regulations and improve the form andfunction of your car, this one of a kind product can help you
drive safely and securely.This part fits all Mercedes from 1996 to 2009, except the W204, R171 🙂

Do you want to fix the airbag problem without having it blow upin
your face?
You cannot pass the annual test
for vehicle safety?
Are you tired of seeing airbag and seatbelt
lights glaring on your vehicles dashboard?
Congratulations, you’re in the right place!
listing includes: item
description, legal agreement, installationguidelines.
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What Is a Seat Mat Emulator For?
A seat mat emulator
serves as a substitution for the factory-issued occupancy mat that comesstandard with most factory model
cars. Rather than driving with airbag and seat belt warning lightson when this mat malfunctions, the
emulator will treat the seats in your car as if they are actuallyoccupied by an adult, no matter who or
what is sitting there.We recommend using a replacement mat from the manufacturer of your car if your
current mat isdefective, but we recognise that this isn’t always possible or practical. Our product is a
finechoice especially if your vehicle has been modified such that the original seat occupancy matdoesn’t
work right.
Don`t make a mistake
Please note that today available seat mat emulators will only correct
problems related to the seatoccupancy sensor. You should perform a full diagnostic before using our
product to make sure thatit’s actually the seat occupancy mat that’s not working right. Issues with your
belt tensioner,ignition circuit, firing circuit, drivers restrain, or airbag deployment equipment won’t
be resolvedmerely by installing our product to your car. Though it would be nice if our device could
correctall kinds of unrelated faults, this is sadly not the case.
Seat mat emulator

terminalsCustom made
- Insulated wire
- Original pin terminals
- Custom made enclosure
- Power led
- DIP switch system
Please click on the picture below to chose the correctemulator
for your vehicle:
Mercedes – Benz
Fast and Easy to Use
When you need a fast, affordable
solution, the seat mat emulator can be thedifference your vehicle needs. Incredibly simple
to use and highly effective.
Easy plug&play Functionality
Don’t know much about cars?
That’s okay. Seat mat emulators are extremely simple to use and cansimply be plugged into your car.
Most emulators include an original connector for easyinstallation and can be added to your car with
the push of a button. In most cases, warninglights disappear as soon as the emulator is installed,
but some errors require diagnostics toadequately solve.
top quality
In order to provide the best possible solutions to our
customers, we are consistently dedicatedto superior levels of quality. That’s why we offer a ten
year warranty on our emulators,guaranteeing your peace of mind. Our products are all manufactured
using parts from leadingsuppliers like Samsung and Texas Instruments, providing a
great experience fromstart to finish.
Highly Certified
In an effort to offer reliable quality and
consistent service to our customers, emulators aremanufactured conforming to ISO9001: 2008
requirements. Emulators are certified by numerousaccreditation bodies. Current certifications
- Quality Management Standards
- Environmentally friendly RoHS
- Carries CE marking
Seat belt emulator
After installing the seat mat emulator, your car will likely signal for the engagement ofthepassenger seat belt. This is a positive sign; the emulator is working as designed and thecar isable to detect the presence of an adult in the passenger seat. The seat belt emulatordisablesthis feature, allowing you to drive as normal. If you are concerned about potential errorsafterinstallation, clear all occupancy mat fault codes prior to installing the seatbelt emulator.

Why does your car have an occupancy mat?

Even with the original seat occupancy mat installed, an infant should be restrained in arear-facing, reclining child seat that is properly secured in a rear passenger seat. Once theseat mat emulator is installed, you cannot put a rear-facing, reclining child seat in the frontpassenger seat because the passenger airbag is constantly enabled and will deploy at full speedregardless of whether or not a passenger is present.
Legal agreement
The buyer is responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of the seat mat emulator.If you allow people to drive your vehicle while the emulator is installed, it is up to you toinform them of it and instruct them on any precautions they need to follow. For a fullyfunctional system, you should obtain original parts from the manufacturer of your car and havethem installed by the dealership or factory-authorized personnel.
Installation Guidelines and Instructions
Mercedes – Benz
Dowload our Installation Instructions directly from our website under the “Seat Mat Bypass” menu.
Proper installation is an important part of efficient
functionality. We realise
that not allcustomers will be well versed in the inner workings of their cars, which is why we strive to
provideproducts that are easy to use, install, and enjoy. Please follow all directions fully for

1. Instalment Preparations
The ignition must remain switched off throughout
installation. Do not attempt to use theradio or air conditioning while installing the
device.Move the passenger seat all the way up and lean the seat fully forward or
backward,depending on vehicle make and model, to gain best access to the seat mat connector.

2. Car Wiring
Please review the wiring colours used in your car to ensure
you are connecting the seat matemulator in the correct location. Mercedes cars until model year
2010 feature the samewiring colours: white, red, and brown wires correspond with the seat
occupancy mat. Yellowand blue wires correspond with the seat belt switch. If other colours are
present, pleasecheck the opposite side of the plug housing, which is generally located at the
front or therear of the seat. The housing is removable, and can be unclipped from its location
in orderto gain easier access. Installation is uniform for all vehicles, even if occupancy
matconnectors differ slightly between models.
- Unplug both seat mat and seat belt connectors (1,2)

3. attach connectors
Attach the original connectors to the emulators. The
male connector terminals are held bysmall clips. Clips should be pushed in slightly while gently
pulling against the insidewire, leading to easy removal.

4. Insert emulator pins
Insert seatbelt pins into the original connector.

5. Insert emulator pins
Insert seat mat pins into the original connectors.

6. Plug emulatos
Plug the seat mat and seat belt emulators into the
now-empty original sockets.

SET Dip switch settings for Mercedes-benz
Please make sure DIP switches on the
emulator are set correctly for your vehicle.
1, 3 switches – ON
A W168
1997-2001, C W202 1997-2001, CLK W208 1997-2003, E W210 1995-1999, ML W163 – TRW 1997, SLKR170
1996-2004, Vito W638 1995-2003
2, 3 switches – ON
E W211 2002-2005, E W210
2000-2003, C W203 2000-2007, CL C215 2000-2006, CLK W209 2002-2009, S W2202002-2005, SL R230 2001-2012,
SLK R171 2004-2011 A W169 2004-2012, B W245 2004-, G W463 2002-, VaneoW414 2002-2005 Viano W639
Try setting 1 to ON, or 2 to ON, if switch 2,3 does not work.
If you want to see how you have to set switches to another cars, search installationinstructionsfor
specific car model.
©2017 Sparklingfix